Thera Sita

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(Redirected from Threa Sita)
Thera Sita
Thera Sita
Race: Colonial
Type: Civilian
FTL: Yes
CO: {{{co}}}
XO: {{{xo}}}
Role: {{{role}}}
Weapons: {{{weapons}}}
Armaments: {{{arm}}}
Defenses: {{{def}}}
Aircraft: {{{aircraft}}}
Aviation facilities: {{{facilities}}}
Fate: Flown into a sun and destroyed in "Daybreak, Part II."
Emblem: [[Image:{{{patch}}}|175px|Ship's patch]]
Other Images: Gallery
Length: {{{length}}}
Width: {{{width}}}
Height: {{{height}}}
Weight: {{{weight}}}
Wingspan: {{{wingspan}}}
Other: {{{otherdi}}}
Game Information
Cost: {{{construction}}}
Construction Time: {{{construction}}}
Hull Size: {{{hull size}}}
Hull: {{{hull}}}
FTL Cooldown: {{{ftl cooldown}}} turns
Speed: {{{speed}}} m/s
Turn Rate: {{{turn rate}}}°/turn
Armor Sum
Armor Total: {{{armor total}}}
Armor Left: {{{armor left}}}
Armor Right: {{{armor right}}}
Armor Front: {{{armor front}}}
Armor Rear: {{{armor rear}}}
Armor Top: {{{armor top}}}
Armor Bottom: {{{armor bottom}}}
DRADIS Range: {{{dradis range}}} m
Processing Power: {{{processing power}}}
Munition Slots: {{{munitions}}}
Munition Cooldown Period: {{{munition cooldown}}} turns
Squadron Slots: {{{squadrons}}}
Squadron Size: {{{squadron size}}}
Special Abilities: {{{special abilities}}}
Additional Information

Thera Sita is a ship in the Fleet of the Kimba Huta type.

Its name is shown on a voting tally board used aboard Colonial One during the Fleet's presidential election (TRS: "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II").

Thera Sita is successfully guided through a dangerously hot star cluster cloud by way of a Raptor piloted by Apollo on the first of five outbound FTL jumps to the algae planet (TRS: "The Passage").

The loss of several ships during this journey leads to overcrowding on some of the Fleet's ships. As a result 301 inhabitants of the Thera Sita are temporarily housed in Dogsville on Galactica, some of whom have contracted Mellorak sickness (TRS: "The Woman King").


  • In "The Passage," Apollo incorrectly refers to the ship as Theta Sita.
  • Thera is the largest island in the Santorini archipelago, located in the Aegean Sea, southeast of mainland Greece.
  • According to a deleted scene from "The Woman King," the passengers transferred from the Thera Sita consist of 84 Scorpions, 166 Picons, and (to both Gaeta's and Tigh's dismay) 51 Sagittarons.