Season 3 gag reel

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"Here, Cally, and take your demon child with you!"

The producers of the Re-imagined Series released a gag reel of humorous outtakes and gag scenes from production of Season 3.

As of April 20, 2007, the 13-minute video is available on Google Video.

Among the humorous tidbits are:

  • A Raptor pilot running to their ship, but fails to clear the door and bangs their head on the slowly rising door.
  • A clever series of sound edits using an animated simulation of U.S. President George Bush, which begins with his message to the world: "The Cylons were created by man (...) And, unlike me, they have a plan. Thank you."
  • Nicki Clyne and Aaron Douglas toying around with a prop of baby Nicholas Tyrol.
  • Edward James Olmos, on hearing Gaius Baltar's voice at the start of the episode, "The Eye of Jupiter", tells Baltar to "eat s#!t and die."
  • Tricia Helfer and Lucy Lawless failing not to notice the extra "abilities" of a naked James Callis during a scene from "Collaborators".
  • Many, many fart jokes (often with a payload) committed by Olmos in various scenes, to the nasal consternation of Mary McDonnell, Michael Hogan and many others.
  • A very wet long fart committed by Ryan Robbins during a scene from "The Circle". As others react in laughter and disgust, Katee Sackhoff yells, "There was a line! There was a line and you went over it!"
  • Mary McDonnell and Olmos in a scene from "Hero", with McDonnell ad-libbing about Adama's plan to resign, saying, "I think you're having a (frakking)'re out of your (frakking) mind!"
  • Olmos and McDonnell in a scene from "Unfinished Business" where Olmos asks if she has a "joint", and McDonnell says, "Yep" and pulls one from her blouse.
  • An mock dream sequence where Adama and Roslin talk quietly (in a scene from "Taking A Break From All Your Worries") Roslin appears to dream of Olmos as clips play of a younger, sleeker Olmos swimming in the ocean, while Olmos imagines McDonnell as a clip of the actress in her role as "Stands With A Fist" from Dances With Wolves plays. The scene ends when Adama says "So, what do we do?" and turns off the light in a humorous suggestion of some sexual hijinks.

The clip ends with a message congratulating the cast and crew of on "kickass season 3."