Battlestar Wiki talk:Official Representation/The Blurb

Discussion page of Battlestar Wiki:Official Representation/The Blurb

The Blurb...

Dear Fellow Battlestar Galactica Fans,

I am a representative from the Battlestar Wiki (<Insert Lang. URL Here>) to see if your interested in helping me and fellow Battlestar Galactica Wiki fans in maintaining the Battlestar Wiki in our native language. The Wiki is a respository of articles and media files that documents everything about the Battlestar Galactica univeruive. Currently the English project ( has over 1,000 articles on Battlestar Galactica that need to be translated from English to <Insert Your Lang Here>.

In essence, what we will be taking the information from the English pages and translating it to our own. However, there comes a time also that some information that we might add that the English wiki does't have and that's ok too. We don't need you to spend hours upon hours doing translating work, but we need help because there is a lot of content. To help all you have to do is register by going to <Insert Lang. URL Here>/wiki/Special:Userlogin and the "media" respository wiki here, It's free.

It would be a great honor to work with you and I hope to see you soon. If you have any questions, be sure to get in contact with me.



This is for sure a rough draft.