Talk:Gaius Baltar/Archive 1

Discussion page of Gaius Baltar/Archive 1

You Heard It Here First (I think)

Things are just adding up too well in my mind that Baltar is now a Cylon. Consider his uncanny tendency to sense what turn out to be other Cylons (Doral, Boomer). I added speculation on this based on past events. In particular, a nuclear blast of the type that leveled his home would cut both Six's and his body to shreds--her body was far from sufficient protection. Remember that such a blast turns everything (rocks, metal, wood) into a wall of death that bludgeons all, like a volcanic pyroclastic flow. Consider that we see Baltar relatively unscathed after this, with no explanation of his escape. This is a serious matter to consider since we must remember that the TOS Baltar actually joined the Cylons, becoming a commander, and became more than a mere traitor. Spencerian 11:16, 2 Aug 2005 (EDT)

Peter Virago has a good point where we should ask, if Baltar is a Humano-Cylon, why does she protect Baltar from the nuclear blast at his home in the first place?

Answer: For appearances. Remember that the information of a Humano-Cylon's brain is transmitted to another copy. Since a Baltar clone would need to keep a contiinuous memory (fragmented briefly by blind terror in escaping the area), it would be a simple matter to have a new copy of Baltar "wake up" with minor wounds, where his natural tendency to be chickenshit would have him run with the rest of the groups. For Six's aims, Baltar may need to continually reminded that he is human and never reveal what might be his true nature. A lot of things that the Humano-Cylons do seems to be for show, to drive or manipulate the remaining humans, rather than killing them outright. Spencerian 12:22, 3 Aug 2005 (EDT)

OK. Feldspar makes the most convincing argument against the possibility of Baltar being a Cylon. It still doesn't eliminate the thought, however. Remember that Baltar's chain has been pulled this way and that. The idea that he is still human may also be an illusion to both the viewer and him. Remember that Galactica Boomer was just all happy and thought she, too, was an ordinary human, and look how that turned out. Despite what Six shows him in terms of a baby, it may still be a deception as a process of brainwashing his consciousness to work as a Cylon agent. I don't believe that Cylons want to make human/Cylon hybrids the default: they just need human DNA to get started on their own. Hopefully we'll get some kind of resolution to this one in this season. Spencerian 15:48, 22 Aug 2005 (EDT)

Now THIS deserves Quality Article status

Mq59's addition of a publicity photo of James Callis' incredibly "crazy look" as Baltar, along with Day's and other recent edits have really refined this page. The page is very close to perfect in format, standards, sources, and balanced speculation. This is a good example of how other character articles should resemble. Thoughts? --Spencerian 17:11, 5 January 2006 (EST)

Right, but we still don't know how that stupid "quality article" template works, and the Help:Template page isn't very instructive. Back on topic though, I do like the article. Nice balance of the pictures. I agree with the new "crazy pic". Do the parenthetical citations need quotes, though ("Gaius Baltar")? Otherwise, I can't find any other nits to pick offhand. --Steelviper 17:20, 5 January 2006 (EST)
Well, of course, like others here I view the entire "could Baltar be a Cylon?" arguement as insanity, but much of that same article also gives much evidence of how he couldn't be; regardless, it's a fine article. I'm not one to use the phrase "slam dunk" lightly, but this page...--Ricimer 18:04, 5 January 2006 (EST)
Just you wait, Ricimer, I will be proved right in the end about Baltar, even if we have to waltz through Season 5 to find out! I did try to keep the Baltar-the-Cylon section balanced, so thanks for the nit-pick. On quotes within parentheses: No, we generally don't use them unless:
  • The items are in a sentence format within, such as here (Miniseries, "Valley of Darkness", "Scattered"). Quotes should not be used in single episode notations as shown here (Fragged). When "Miniseries" is single-noted, it should not have quotes as it's not an episode name per se.
  • A certain emphasis or sic implication is needed to note an important variation. In SV's example, "Pegasus" was in quotes within ()s to differentiate it from the battlestar article. I don't know if this particular practice was made convention, but I use it, and for this episode wikilink only.
Yeah, it will be nice once we get that Quality Template working, but yes, it should be reserved for the best o f the best, and hopefully, we can update the Main Page to show the article and give it a look like Wikipedia to highlight them or an Article of the Day. T-Minus 28 hours and counting... --Spencerian 18:25, 5 January 2006 (EST)

Thanks, but I didn't upload the Crazy Baltar photo. I made some grammatical corrections, smoothed out some things, and included Baltar manhandling of Cally when she tried to blackmail him as a pre-Tyrol example of Baltar's new willingness to physically hurt others.

mq59 20:15, 5 January 2006 (EST)

There is a Convention on episode names and citations. You can find it afore-linked, but, just to paraphrase it, if it's a parenthetical citation, then it goes like this: ([[Episode Name]]). Notice the following period. If it's within a sentence it should be put in quotations, thus: Blah blah as seen in "[[Episode Name]]" when et cetera. We don't have a specific case for parenthetical lists or for the Mini, but I think Spence's gut feeling is probably good. I'll try to remember to start a discussion about it on the S&C Talk tomorrow. --Day 01:59, 6 January 2006 (EST)
I shouldn't post this here, but I just want to note that I dislike quotes when multiple-noting. They add clutter and don't really improve clarity or readability. --Peter Farago 02:04, 6 January 2006 (EST)

A Friendly Wager, Spencerian

Spencerian, you are adamant that the evidence points towards Baltar being a Cylon. I, however, firmly believe that the many facts, points of evidence, and conjecture, etc. already posted up in counterarguements on this article makes it impossible for Baltar to be a Cylon. (Note that it isn't simply "my gut feeling"; I believe that, logically, the evidence points against it). -->Our edits on BattlestarWiki, in the Question and Analysis sections in the episode guide, and in checking and comparing various points and theories on the other articles (involving Cylons, timeline, etc, etc.) are based on such debate over the facts.-->I believe that this debate forms a macrocosm of this in its most concentrated form, a logical edit debate, based on facts and points of evidence (rather than flame war and childish name calling). In short, I view it as the ultimate test, of our skills, our ability to make good conjecture based on evidence at hand, comparing points and counterpoints.--->As a result Spencerian, because we hold these polar opposite views on this matter, I propose the following gentlemanly wager; [U]If Baltar is proved to or revealed to be a Cylon, your edits will hold precedence over anything I write in perpetuity. If Baltar is proven beyond any resonable doubt to be a Human and not a Cylon, my edits will hold precendence over anything you write in perpetuity.[/U]

For example, conditions under which Ricimer wins this wager are:
  • The remaining six humanoid Cylon models are eventually revealed, and we see that NONE of the 12 models are Gaius Baltar.
  • Gaius Baltar fathers a child with a humanoid Cylon: It has been established that it is impossible for two humanoid Cylons to procreate.
Conditions under which Spencerian wins this wager are:
  • When all 12 humanoid Cylon models are revealed, one of them turns out to be Baltar.

(Please add any conditions for either side which I may have forgotten). -->Do you accept, Spencerian? Or are you unsure of your position in this matter? Speaking for myself, my belief that Baltar is not a Cylon is unwavering. --Ricimer 22:59, 5 January 2006 (EST)

I like the wager, but your stakes are not appropriate. --Peter Farago 23:44, 5 January 2006 (EST)
What would be? --Ricimer
I like the wager, too, but I wouldn't want to take precidence over your (or anyone's) edits. In fact, we all hold that power (admin rights notwithstanding, which cannot be transferred or neglected). I'd sooner buy you something else: This model of the battlestar. Or, perhaps send you a small sum to buy the beer of your choice (assuming you are 21+), or a $10 gift certificate to the iTunes Music Store (sorry, you'd have to furnish your own iPod). I will make the choice of the prize depending on my budget at the time--sorry, but the wiki's admin wages are a bit low to go crazy... :)
You DO realize that I added or enhanced many of the counterarguments as well as the arguments in the very section, right? Even if Starbuck, say, turned up pregnant, does that necessarily mean that Baltar is a human? No. While no information has been forwarded by the show (yet), a Cylon male might be able to sire a child through a human female, too. The only problem with this wager is that the damn show may last 7 seasons before we find out Baltar's fate!
Oh, and this is a big hunch, but I think there's a 13th model--an overlord that's vastly more intelligent. Imagine if we're able to see who commands the basestars? I wonder who. --Spencerian 00:22, 6 January 2006 (EST)
Now that's friendlier. I'm on Ricimer's team for this one. --Peter Farago 00:58, 6 January 2006 (EST)
Such material/monetary things are irrelevant to me. But you are in luck because it so happens there is something I want, something I wanted ever since I came here, they say it cannot be taken, it have to be given...--Ricimer 01:07, 6 January 2006 (EST)