
521 editsJoined 2 October 2006
Revision as of 04:17, 16 May 2008 by CoreyDanian (talk | contribs)

Hi, I'm Corey Danian. I'm a (in the Battlestar universe) a eighteen year old Viper pilot on the Galactica. I enjoy making lists on the fleet and people of the current universe. I look across all websites for information and watch the episodes alot.

Ships I have identified for my own fiction:

Swordfish: A Colonial Movers heavy freighter. Swordfish is destroyed in the Cloud 9 destruction.
Harrak: one of the three Mining Ships left in the fleet.
Carillian Trader: Tubed vessel seen in the fleet.
Odysseus: name for one of the various ships in the fleet. This one is the ship with the engines similar to the Corellian Corvette in Star Wars minus one engine in each column. This ship was seen near Cloud 9 in Colonial Day and in orbit around New Caprica in Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II. Argo Navis: a civilian ship in the fleet that has been seen on mulitple occassions in the fleet. It was seen at Ragnar Anchorage just in front of the Space Park luxury liner and next to a Colonial Movers Heavy Freighter in the Miniseries, Night 2. It was later seen during the testing of the Blackbird in Flight of the Phoenix. It's one engine and a smooth hull. This ship is the home of my character until he moved to Galactica.