Cylon War/Jp:サイロン戦争

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For articles relating to wars relating to the Cylons throughout the various continuities, see: Cylon War (disambiguation).
Operation Raptor Talon, the final battle of the Cylon War

サイロン戦争(または第1次サイロン戦争)は[Fall of the Twelve Colonies|12コロニー崩落]]の40年前に停戦となった大戦争で、100万といわないまでも、何千人もの民間人の死者を出した。

戦争の発端は人間が作り出したロボット、サイロンが数年の間、奴隷として扱われた後、”生みの親”に反乱を起こしたためである。戦いが進むにつれてサイロンはレイダーベーススターを戦力に投入し、それに対しコロニアルは最初のバトルスターバイパーMk IIを開発する。

戦闘はおよそ12年半(4,571日間)[1]続き、宇宙空間だけでなくコロニアルの地上戦にまで及んだ。知られているだけでも、ブレニック船内に侵入したサイロン・センチュリオンとの戦闘(TRS:「暗闇の谷」)やメドラのジャングルでのコロニアル海兵達の戦闘、サイロンのタウロン襲撃(「RAZOR/ペガサスの黙示録」)、そして終戦の日に実行されたラプター・タロン作戦(「RAZOR FLASHBACKS/第1次サイロン戦争」)。

Veterans of the war include William Adama, Commander Nash and Socrata Thrace.


Unbeknownst to the Colonials, the final five members of the Thirteenth Tribe had traveled to the Colonies following the destruction of Earth to warn them to treat their artificial lifeforms well. Seeing that the Cylons were attempting to develop humanoid bodies with little success, the Five agreed to help the Cylons on the condition that they end the war (TRS: "No Exit"). This agreement resulted in an armistice (the Cimtar Peace Accord), and the Cylons left Colonial space in the middle of the last battles in order to establish a "homeworld" of their own. The Colonials built the Armistice Station to maintain diplomatic contact, but this overture was ignored by the Cylons.

Also at this time the Guardians escaped being shut down after taking the First Hybrid on a new type of basestar and leaving the planet where the Hybrids were developed. This basestar, along with the Guardians, is destroyed by Pegasus four decades later, nine months after the Fall of the Colonies (TRS: "Razor").

Given that the Articles of Colonization were signed fifty-two years before the Cylon attack, it is possible that the Cylon War was what precipitated the unification of the Twelve Colonies, which were separate entities prior to the conflict. The impact of the war may have been the initiative required by the Colonial government to create the Case Orange emergency succession procedures in the event of another catastrophe.

Furthermore, the conflict resulted in a ban against research and development into artificial intelligence (TRS: "Miniseries").

The Cylons viewed their slavery and the subsequent atrocities of the war with mankind as justification for wiping out the Colonies 40 years later.[2]

Active ships

See also


  1. これはコロニアルの1年が365日でうるう年を含まない場合の推測である。
  2. Wizard Universe interview with Mark Verheiden (backup available on (in English). In a question, Verheiden describes the Cylon genocide attempt as "prompted" and "out of things that happened prior."