Galactica Discovers Earth, Part II

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Plot Summmary

Continued from Galactica Discovers Earth, Part I

Part II

Willy discovers the Vipers

The young boy Willy arrives home to tell his dad he's found a two spaceships. His dad is skeptical but is eventually decides to take a look. When Willy's father sees the Vipers, he calls the police.

Meanwhile, Jamie Hamilton has reached the UBC television studios, where her interview is not going well. During the interview, she is interrupted to take a phone call from Dillon. Jamie refuses to talk and hangs up. Then, Dr. Mortenson calls Jamie, having determined she was the somehow connected with Troy and Dillon. Overhearing part of this conversation, Mr. Brooks the UBC station manager, offers Jamie a reporting job if she can wangle an interview with Mortenson and Jamie agrees.

Followed by a UBC camera crew in a van, Jamie goes to meet Mortenson as planned, and Troy and Dillon catch up to her on the way. When Mortenson arrives, he is pleased to meet the Colonials, but realizes Jamie is trying to get him on film. Troy suggests they leave, and the four get into the doctor's car.

As the UBC van sets off after them, Dillon grabs the wheel and a wacky car chase ensues. Dillon plows the car into the front of a store, but the four are without injury and manage to escape by use of the invisibility screen.

Leaving Mortensen behind, Troy Dillon and Jamie return to the Galactica. The Vipers cross the night sky and are witnessed by Willy, his Dad and the police - but the police discount them as shooting stars.

Arriving at the Galactica, an amazed Jamie accompanies Troy and Dillon to the briefiing with Adama. While the two were away on Earth, Xavier has been arguing with Adama over the merits of introducing technological advancements to Earth in 1980, and taken matters into his own hands.

Xavier has stolen Doctor Zee's time machine, to travel to the past and through making changes to history speed up the technological development of the Earth. Doctor Zee has determined that Xavier has gone back to Nazi Germany during World War II.

Troy, Dillon and Jamie launch for Earth and using Doctor Zee's space warp travel backwards in time. The process alters the molecules in their clothes, leaving their uniforms white in color.

Arriving in the skies over 1944 Germany, the Colonials avoid the pursuing Luftwaffe, and Troy and Dillon land the Vipers in a field. Suddenly, they trio see a B-17 sail into view, under heavy fire. The plane is downed, but a lone parachutist makes it down. The parachutist is Major Stockwell, who is in Germany to try and sabotage the new V-2 rocket which is being tested nearby.

On their way to the rocket base, Troy, Dillon, Stockwell, and Jamie observer a transport of Jews about to be shipped to Auschwitz. They manage to free a single young girl, and take her with them as they head to a home owned by one of Stockwell's contacts. Suddenly, the SS arrives to raid the house. The team uses the invisibility cloak and avoid capture. Promising to help those who were taken by the SS later, Troy determines that they need first to find Xavier.

Troy and Dillon in disguise

Xavier is indeed at the rocket base, posing as a British rocket scientist with Nazi sympathies. He is overseeing the testing of an augmented V-2 - equipped with a Galactican jet. Dressed as German soldiers, the Galacticans, Jamie and Stockwell sneak into the base just in time to see the V-2 sitting on the pad, awaiting the test that could give the Nazis the upper hand in World War Two, altering Earth history.

Continued in Galactica Discovers Earth, Part III
